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Problem Solving

Diversity and inclusion Policy 

Tik Tok marketing Problem

Blythe has requested that he wants to use it for Tik Tok Promotional as well as an upload to YouTube. 


This is a problem because I haven't had much experience uploading or creating TikTok products. 


I spoke to Blythe about what he expects from TikToks is a small snippet of the music video. I feel if I created extra promotional material such as posters, song cover art, and TikTok Promo it will make him very happy with the product. I had an idea for a poster/cover art he could use for it, A shot in the music video involves heart eyes. I want to have a simple headshot of him with heart eyes with a blurred zoomed background .


I feel this would be the best option. It would also save a lot of time creating researching and thinking of cover art I could pull the art from the video .

Song Change

Over the project Blythe and I have gone through 3 different songs.  


I knew Blythe had an intention to change the song so i was prepared for a change in it. He changed it to a song called Gaze which suited the song well and could've worked for the story I had developed. 


In a meeting with Blythe , I think it gave him a better understanding of what the story was and what it was about when he wanted to change the song. So we decided together in the meeting to change the song to Fall down Deep which was better suited to the story and the message. 

First song choice

Copy of Sad Type Sing Type mix2 (1)Artist Name
00:00 / 02:26

Second Song Choice

Final Song choice - Fall Down DeepArtist Name
00:00 / 02:03

Lip Syncing 

A problem that I can see is clear lip syncing. 


I think if the clips of lip syncing isn't clear it could be distracting for the viewer and turn them away from the video.


While on set recording with Blythe and extras at the party I'm going to get extra footage at least 4 safety net videos that go the whole way through the song so I have everything I need if I use all the clips.


I know how to lip sync and did DEMO for the music video unit in the first year. But I feel that Blyhte will be able to lip sync well as the music video in the summer he did a great job performing.


I have a lot of outside scenes. This is a problem because it means I need to be aware of the different lighting levels on different days. And for darker scenes at night especially that scene I want to make sure looks good and isn't graining or low quality ending.


I'm going to do a test shoot at night to see what camera settings I would need to achieve this shot to a high quality. It is crucial that it is high quality as Blythes wants the highest quality possible. 

Budget Problems 

At the moment I have no budget on this project so I need to get a certain props for the scenes to be of a high quality and fit into the conventions of what's happening. From doing a location style sheet I know what I need I just need to get it.


My Plan is to write out all the props I need and who and where I'm getting it from.


I've leaned more about preparing multiple scenes and making sure we have the props and i know where I getting them from. 

Problem with Actors 

As it is a love story I think there could be lots of problems with Blythe's Girlfriend not liking some of the scenes and this could be bad as Blythe may not be able to do certain scenes.


He wanted his girlfriend to act as the love interest in the video. But I haven't heard back about this and I am currently chasing this up now and trying to get this sorted if she can't do it I'm going to look for backup actors and may have to change some of the scenes. This is so that Blyhte still feels comfortable in the video and acting.


Blythe has let me know that she won't be able to be in the video and may not be comfortable. So I need to start thinking of backups that could work. My initial thought was to replace the love interest with an object for example a mannequin or carboard cut out or someone with a paper bag head. 


I plan to talk to Blythe about the problem and the best way for it for him. 


We decided to go with option 6 and look at getting a new couple and have Blyhte as a background singer so he will be there on the date but singing while the date is in the background. I need to get 2 new actors and this means more work to get everyone at the same place.


I need to rewrite the shooting script and main script with the intent of a new couple and Blythe being in the background. 


I have managed to get actors to fill in the new couple and checked there availability so I need to rewrite some of my pre production from the influence of this change 

Blythes new requests 

I had asked Blythe multiple times to send me a brief and finalize the song choice. I received a glimpse of a brief that wasn't too detailed. My main take is always that I needed to research Colour Correction, High-quality Images suitable for Tik Toks, and also a coherent storyline. So I want to produce some Tik Toks that we could make to give extra material to my client.

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