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Content Research

Looking my genre 

Initial Conclusions

I feel i have a far better understanding of what to expect and i think it was more useful for me to look at new videos that are recent and see how they compare in the rap genre. 


I think this is the best way for me to look into music videos and what works for them that is similar to mine to ensure the success of the project and keep a clear vision 

Looking into Narrative

Initial conclusion

Looking into Narrative was a good opportunity to use Todorov's theory against my own story.

I feel that my vision for project is clear and this will help to keep continuity while writing scripts for example in pre production. Making sure the story is being pushed forwards  

Contextual Analysis 

When picking elements to look at/a music video , I decided to pick ones that had similar plot elements as my own project. I did this because I can learn and see what they did right to make sure it goes right for me as well

In conclusion, this has been useful in terms of telling a story, I understand way more about using characters to interact with other characters and what this can tell us about the characters and how they think about each other. I want to keep this in mind, particularly for the script.


 I also understand using sets, to set up expectations for the audience of what the scene could be about. Using the conventions to create the right set design for the Music video production. I feel if this is executed well it will make the video far more valuable.


 I also want to look more into conventions of Love Storys or dates as there is a convention I was only made aware of through looking at Teccas's “Love me” song. Using slow motion when editing is in line with the conventions of the love genre. 

Character Dynamics 

Initial Conclusion 

This is a great start to developing my story and understanding a characters role and job will be useful when casting to be smarter. I understand more about how the love interest will work and also starting to think about other characters like a confidant.

Initial Conclusion 

In conclusion i feel more confident about what I'm doing where and when also more confident about how it will look and feel and how the actors will interact and there dynamics. Its really useful to see all the possible locations and back up locations but I think im going to do a SWOT analysis about locations depending on what available to me. 

Content Conclusion

What went well in this stage?

After researching the content in this stage I feel this story works well and I understand what the video will be and I can see what the video will be like and feel like this story has good narrative structure and after looking at Todorov's theory in narrative I understand each part of the story. I have a better vision of the start middle and end. 


Looking into character dynamics was also super helpful and thinking about making it more than 2 people in the plot but have a confident as well. 


What was the most useful?

I found the contextual analysis was the most helpful because it helped me understand setting up the video in similarity to my own story and I've started thinking more about how i setup my scene and help my audience recognise locations. Thinking about shots and what they show and why would you choose to set up a scene in that way. 



What has changed with my ideas?

This stage hasn't changed my core idea but has adapted and refined into a better clearer concept. The story seems more simple to understand characters and feel the audience will engage with it well.




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