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Pre Production

What is the track? - Fall Down DeepArtist Name
00:00 / 02:03

I think the track is perfect for the story I want to tell and also fits perfectly in Blythe genre and brand 

Script Initial Conclusion 

My first objective for pre production was create a script. This would help me understand where are character go what they do. It also helps to look at it to refer back to when making a shooting script to make shoot the story is in a chronological order besides the performance scenes.


I did have a segment about marquise talking to Blyhte and cheering him up which would be more dialogue but Blyhte didn't like this segment and thought it come across as cheesy so we are only doing one section. 

Shooting script

Intial Conclusion

I decided next to do my shooting script so I know what would be happening in the order of the edit and colour coded it for different scene types.


I feel better about the project as I know what I want to do and what's happening I need to do.

Initial conclusion 

The song is a long song but has a clear message and I want the video to be pushing the songs original message still. After I did this I went back to the shooting script and tweaked in terms of what will be shown when certain things are said. To try to add some lyric interpretation 

Editing Style

I want the editing to be fast paced and quick. I want to also have some slow zoom shots similar to Cole Bennett's editing style as I feel Blyhte will like this more as I know he really likes the Cole Bennett music videos

Story boards 

Intial Conclusion 

I created the story board to spark more ideas while rewriting my shooting scripts for later as I didn't originally have one 

Initial Conclusion 

I created this to spark more ideas and create a more full proof scene. This i think we will be really useful in post when editing the performance scenes to make them more interesting shots and scenes 

Location Styles Sheet

Location Styles were a great opportunity to look at sets that have what I need and what I need for others sets will come in useful for call sheets and more pre production logistics 

Script Rewrites

After writing the script and the shooting script I had a huge problem with the casting as the female actor pulled out and other problems meant that Blyhte wouldn't be able to act with a couple so I needed a new couple and move Blyhte to the background of the story. So i needed to tweak the story around this I also had to cut locations from the time I lost from this problem. See problem solving to see this in more detail.

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